Thursday, April 22, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Andrea's 21 Miler Numbers...

1 Rainy Day
3 Hours
40 Minutes
1 GU
2 Pairs of Gloves
2 Pairs of Socks
1 Soaked Jacket
205 Kicks to my own right ankle
2,157 Calories

21 Miles Done and Done

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This one's for Mamma

I would like to dedicate the most amazing 10.5 miles I logged tonight to my best friend, my idol, my biggest fan, my Mom. Unfortunately all that life has given us over the past few months has taken away most of our time together. I just want you to know you are on my mind every step I take, both on the road and in life.
Love Ya Mamma

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hey peeps (1 follower), It's Patrick. I wanted to talk a bit about commitment after today's run. The most common comment I hear in any marathon conversation usually revolves around our long runs. People say, "Wow, I can't imagine running 18 miles...I can only do two!" I just want to point out that yes, those runs are tough. They take a lot out of you, and your weekend but it's not the hardest part about training. it's days like today.

Today was a crappy day in Boston. Raining in February: I am sure you can imagine. It's essentially the definition of a winter depression. It's days like today that you just want to stay inside and drink a beer on the couch but it's also days like this that prepare you properly for Patriot's Day.

It really sucks putting on the running gear, stepping outside when it's dark, cold and raining in order to get a 9 miler in. Days like today are what suck about training. It's days like today that I want you to think about next time you're in a conversation with a runner. It's days like today that define commitment to a cause and a goal. Support us for days like today.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day Love Your Liver Run (17 miler)

Done and done! It was a crispy 20ยบ out at 9AM when we drove out to the Riverside T stop just to hop on a frightening long bus ride out to about the 10 mile mark. Wearing more than embarrassing, matching valentine's fatigues, we eventually took that left on boylston and crossed the finish line (no, we're not superstitious). If you ask Andrea, she'd say I got her through it during the last few miles, but we both know it was the shining sun.

This run kind of kicked us into gear. It was the longest to date, but more importantly, we will continue to add mileage every weeekend. We follow a weekly rule. At minimum, we must run the same amount of miles (or more) monday-friday than our long run on saturday. We've been pretty good about following it but like I said, we're more dedicated now than the week before, and the week before that. We contribute a lot of it to the completion of the site, blog, and facebook page.

In closing, we've run approximately 303 miles to date and will be rockin a 14.5 miler this saturday. See ya next week. Go donate some money :)

Patrick & Andrea